The location for the October 1st 2016 and the November 5th 2016 of the Installfest/Linux Workshop has changed.
The University of Advancing Technology is using all of the rooms on those days, so we will be moving the Install-fest to Gangplank: 260 S Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ 85225
There is free public parking just across the street next to Circle K.
The time will remain the same 10-4. The Installfest for October 15th 2016 will remain unchanged and will meet at our regular location of UAT.
This month's theme is Someone Else's Problem, so we'll be covering the cloud.
With in mind we will bring you 3 presentations this month: Intro to OpenStack, Dynamic HA Deployments with HashiCorp Tools and Eddystone Bluetooth Beacons Intro
Billy Olsen: Intro to OpenStack
Description: Let's take a stroll through the OpenStack Zoo and visit what it is, how its put together, and how it can be used to provide services. We'll explore the core components, some of the non-core components, and what the big tent is. We'll look at some of the ways that OpenStack can be deployed and managed and how to contribute to the world of OpenStack.
Bio: Billy discovered Linux during his days in college, where he ran Redhat, SuSE, Debian, Mandrake, Gentoo, Lindows, and some other obscure Linux distributions (and even some *nix systems). Having used Linux as his main system for years, he eventually got the opportunity to work with this thing called OpenStack which he developed a pure love/hate relationship with. Since then, he's switched companies to make sure he can focus on working on OpenStack, clouds, and FOSS.
When he is not on the computer, he enjoys spending time with his family - which involves lots and lots of Legos and model rockets.
Anthony Kosednar: Dynamic HA Deployments with HashiCorp Tools
Description: An overview of HashiCorp's opensource tool set and how to get started on using it yourself.
Will Cover:
Image Creation
Deployments (Computing, Infrastructure, & Storage
Cluster Management
Secret/Credentials/PKI Management
Bio: Anthony Kosednar is an Information Security Engineer with a background in Aerospace. By day he helps secure corporations and large events (such as Super Bowl XLIX). By night, he puts on the cape of software architect for the Arizona Cyber Warfare Range. Through the darkness of night he helps program the systems that operate the range.
Ed Nicholson: Eddystone Bluetooth Beacons Intro
Description: A brief introduction to and demonstration of BLE Beacons based on the open (!free) Eddystone protocols from Google. While many IoT and Beacon vendors provide proprietary management portals, there is a free (BSD-3) management application in development in addition to libraries and beacon scanners.
Bio: I have been involved with Free Software for some time, and am most interested in how people, organizations and populations use, create and experience information. Recently, I am enjoying The Prescott National Forest as my "personal office" and The Valley of The Sun as a home away from home. Personal systems run either Fedora, CoreOS, Android or OpenBSD
We will go for food to BJs at the Chandler Fashion Center Mall after the meeting so we can chat with each other comfortably. Please feel free to join us. Please come even if you aren't hungry, the food is not mandatory.
We have two topics this month: "Alerting and Rhythm" and "DEFCON Report/Discussion"
CANCELLED- "Eddystone Bluetooth Beacons Intro"
Chris Cowan: Alerting and Rhythm
Description: Chris will be running a demo of the new (not yet released) projects he is working on with Alerting and Rhythm (a server metrics UI).
Biography: Chris Cowan is an engineer for Elastic who works on Kibana. In a past life, he was a world champion minivan driver with an affinity for changing diapers and swaddling babies.
Phil Waclawski: DEFCON Report/Discussion
Biography: Phil Waclawski has been teaching Linux at Mesa Community college for about 15 years. He also teaches Web Development, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and basic Linux internet server set up. He has done summer camps for high school students teaching them the basics of 3D modelling with Blender. He first started in Linux with version 1.0 on Slackware back in 1994, and has been hooked every since.
Various hobbies include leatherwork, blacksmithing, wood work , archery (belongs to the Society for Creative Anachronism) and lately SCUBA. Was happily surprised to find out the Linux based software for his dive computer was written partly by Linus.
We have 2 presentations this month from Stephen Partington and der.hans
Stephen Partington: My experiences with SSD and LVM-Cache
A discussion and presentation of my recent experiences with setting up a home server with SSD+HDD and Joining the two with LVM-Cache
Stephen is currently a System Engineer with Pearson North America he has worked in the IT industry since 1995. Performing job roles from call center technical support to Multi-Platform It services. His first Linux experiences were with Redhat 6 (Pre Fedora). And while he has never been able to have a 100% Linux oriented job he has had Linux servers in just about every one of them and frequently has had a Linux server running at home for various projects. Technology interests Range from computer desktop and mobile technology to storage and virtualization and networking.
der.hans: Resume Writing for Tech
cat /usr/share/dict/tech-jargon | sort --random-sort | head -$(( 128000 / RANDOM )) | generate_job_description >tech_job.html
1% unemployment in Free Software roles, yet recruiters still put down a laundry list of tech jargon rather than looking for smart people who can get the job done.
Avoid some tech resume myths to get past HR to talk to the hiring manager.
Get tips on resume writing for tech job.
Biography: der.hans is the founder of the Free Software Stammtisch, chairman for the Phoenix Linux Users Group and a repeat speaker at SCaLE. He has vast experience in a variety of roles in software engineering and system administration including sysadmin, instructor, developer, DBA and IT manager.
In his free time he likes to camp, learn about sustainable culture and annually not set himself on fire.
Stephen Partington gave us a presentation on his experiences with using an SSD and LVM-Cache. Here's provided us with his slides from his presentation.