> 1575 Cylinders > 4 Heads > 72 Tracks > 48 Sectors per track > > Okay now I need to know what to do with the info....It tried to enter at the boot prompt the following info: > > boot: ramdisk hd=1575,4,48 > > and I get no such image press [tab] to see list. > What am I doing wrong? That's easy. You are telling Lilo to boot ramdisk and there is no entry in Lilo for ramdisk. You need to tell it what to boot and then pass the parameters for it. Try hitting the tab key to see the valid items (usually one is called linux). Type that in and then type your parameters i.e. boot: linux ramdisk hd=1575,4,48 (I don't know if this is truly valid, but I've never tried mulinux)