I'm not a big fan of pump. My SuSE 6.2 installation also did not come with dhcpcd, but with dhclient. The latter did not have the -h switch I needed to pass the hostname to the cable modem. Cheers. -- Mark "T.C." Thomas DataWarehouse Programmer Hotel Information Technology division Cendant Corporation -----Original Message----- From: Craig White [mailto:CraigWhite@AzApple.com] Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 5:56 PM To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us Subject: RE: Cox and DHCP depends upon the distro...Redhat uses pump and not dhcpd. there was somebody that sent me to a page that told how to do it with pump/redhat but I gave up 'cuz it was too much bother. All I needed to do was to hook up my Windows laptop, let it set up the ip address, and then use the info gleaned from Cox as fixed addressing on linux. Not elegant but put an end to the time waste.