Am 13. Jul, 2000 schwäzte so: > > If you install Debian, you will no doubt > encounter the idealist ideology that is > Debian. Everyone should use Free software > exclusively instead of Open Source software, > because Open Source software is not Free > software, and the like. KDE/Qt? Fuhgedaboudit! While you're mostly correct about this characterization, you're blowing over the real problem with Qt as well as the fact that many debian developer's would love to include KDE in debian. The prob is that the QPL licence, Qt's license and the one KDE uses, has (apparently intentionally) included a couple of clauses that make it legally incompatable with the GPL. debian even if it had the bucks for lawyers doesn't want to have to fight a legal battle should someone finally decide to take the issue to court. The last I understood it, if Qt would make the changes they promised everything would be hunky dory and debian would probably move with all speed to adopt KDE as official packages. Note also that there are many "non-free" packages available for debian. > Anyway, for those individuals who do not > fall entirely within the domain of that > which some consider ideal (is THAT PC > or what!), there's the following site: > > I believe Stephane is a debian developper. When not he is definitely very active in the debian development process. ciao, der.hans -- # # Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans