FWIF... ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: O'Reilly Needs Guinea Pigs...Any Volunteers? Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:37:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Denise Olliffe What technologies are your group members excited about? Where do they smell vaporware? We want you or members of your group to tell us all about it. We invite you to join O'Reilly's new email survey research panel, and give us your two cents. You can sign up at http://www.survey.com/orpanel.html -- it only takes a few minutes. As a thank you for your time and insight, we'll give you a 25% discount on all O'Reilly books purchased through the O'Reilly Web site for one year (5% more than the regular UG discount), plus enter you in a drawing for one of 200 "Official O'Reilly Guinea Pig" T-shirts. A few important details: After you register for the panel, you'll receive short email invitations to participate in surveys, either from O'Reilly & Associates or Survey.com, our partner in this endeavor. When you enroll, you choose how often you're interested in hearing from us. Membership and participation is entirely voluntary, and you may leave the panel at any time. There's also no obligation to participate in any particular survey. We promise that all information you submit will be kept confidential. We will never sell or rent your personal information. If you order books directly from us, we'll send you our book catalog three or four times a year (if you don't want it, just ask us not to send it). If you feel your members would be interested in particpating, please pass this invitation on to them. --Denise :) ------------------------------------------------------- -- Jim Zope is cool!