\_ 19" screens have definitely the best price- performance \_ now. 1152x864 is the sweet spot resolution Is this the one that actually utilizes the most pixels without actually going over the real pixel/phosphor count? Me, I could never be happy at < 1280 on 17+. \_ for that screen size. So \_ get one with at least 91KHz. A little more to ensure a little \_ reserve. Also a good thing to ensure good image quality is to get \_ one with BNC connectors. How is BNC better than the DSUB (standard VGA)?. It would seem to me that the same basic signals have to travel on the same basic kind of wire in the same basic insulated cable, and only the tips matter to make sure they plug in? The iiyama previous referenced has both DSUB & BNC, for mix & match fun. :-) David