Does *EVERYTHING* have to be straight out of "Office Space?" "Do they know?" "No, no, no. We find that it's best to do these things on a Friday. Studies have statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident that way." D -- There is no "I" in "Team." Unless you're Spanish speaking, Senor Tim. * On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 05:08:03PM -0700, der.hans wrote: > Am 12. Jan, 2001 schwäzte so: > > > /me wonders how many of the other plug regulars at opnix are newly > > freed of the constraints of a paying job.... > > There are a few of us, but not all of us. > > ciao, > > der.hans > -- > # > # Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans