\_ SMTP quoth Lucas Vogel on 3/15/2001 12:06 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Because they're not making money on the 'account transfer', they're making \_ it on the phone call. Call collect. :-) \_ > -----Original Message----- \_ > From: proudhawk@uswestmail.net [mailto:proudhawk@uswestmail.net] \_ > Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:55 PM \_ > To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us \_ > Subject: Re: FW: confidential business \_ > \_ > \_ > I've got something of an idea though (scamming the scammer). \_ > \_ > why not open an account at a different bank than what you \_ > normally do business [...$1 account balance...] Bah. Put your car loan there, your mortgage, and anything else that seems good. The money goes in, your loans are paid off, and the bank is unlikely to allow withdrawals from a loan. (I'd check that tho :-) David