I second that, debian is definitely the best distro out there, (sorry for adding to the holy war). But I will admit, for learning, get redhat, has the best support out there. I paid the 30 bucks for it, and used the 90 days of free support many times. I also hear lots of good things about mandrake 8, which is also redhat based, so I might have to try that. But for just getting started, get redhat, since there are more avenues of support for beginners. But debian is by far the best. :-) -Todd On Monday 30 April 2001 12:59, you wrote: > Am 30. Apr, 2001 schwäzte AZ_Pete so: > > I need recommendations on which Linux Distro to use. > > The only flame topic worse than which editor or which MUA :). > > > He is well versed with all flavors of Windows and quite compentent around > > computers (building, configuring, installing, etc). > > He has never used Linux, but is interested in trying it. I've been using > > Redhat, TurboLinux, as well as Solaris. > > debian, of course, is the best distro :), but I would suggest RedHat > because that's what you know. If you're more familiar or happier with > TurboLinux, then go that way. > > If he goes for RedHat convince him to sport the $50 for the 7.1 boxed set > that includes the power tools. 7.1 now has some firewalling and other > stuff available, so it might work well for him. > > Another tack would be for both of you to install Mandrake or debian and > you can learn with him. As long as both of you continue to have > functioning email, that works :). > > > While these OSes are user friendly to me, I feel they may be a bit > > complex for a Linux newbie to install and would scare them away from > > Linux. > > Default RedHat install is easy. Leaves too many security holes open, > though. 7.1 is supposed to be much better. > > > What would you guys recommend for a Linux Distro that is easy to install > > and uses KDE or GNOME by default, and has a good variety of apps (email, > > browser, Word Proc, spreadsheet, etc). Ease of Installation and Ease of > > Use are most important, since I will only be able to provide phone > > support (he lives in IN and I live in AZ). > > There are LUGs in .in.us, but mostly just in the cities, I think. He could > check local colleges and unis as well. > > ciao, > > der.hans