\_ SMTP quoth Rusty Carruth on 5/2/2001 14:39 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ > \_ > ** Microsoft Trolls For Informants \_ > \_ > ... \_ > \_ > As such, Microsoft asks that the builders turn over suspect bids \_ > to them. [...] \_ [...] \_ Anyway, I'd thought it would be cool to make up a bunch of 1000 \_ unit RFQ's and send them off to various vendors. I thought it would be amusing to go around to all the 'free newsletter' sites I could find and drop in the reporting address, particularly since the address seemed to be tied to a real person. A truly evil/suspicious person would go through a proxy / proxy chain before doing that though. It'd be better, I suppose, to write a program to do an autosubmit to handle that. David