I'm a long-time WordPerfect user, but it is time to move on. In an MS Word world the incompatibility is annoying. Also, I can never quite get it to format the dissertation quite right. Besides it only runs on Windows, Red Hat . . . and Debian. (Debian is ok, but the last time I installed it, it took forever. Both Debian and FreeBSD give me w-a-y more installation control than I usually want. It's also hard to get a copy.) WP will work on SGML and XML, but it won't dump a WP file to XML. It will dump to text, html, or rtf. Should I migrate to XML? Is there a good XML editor (besides WP) for both Windows and *NIX? What about an XML to PostScript translator? -------------------------------- Trent Shipley Work: (602) 522-7502 mailto:tshipley@symbio-tech.com http://www.symbio-tech.com