---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter #2 from O'Reilly UG Program Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 12:32:19 -0700 (PDT) From: "Denise Olliffe" To: farli@qwest.net O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER Volume 1, #2 www.oreilly.com Thanks to the 108 UGs that responded to my questions from the first newsletter. After polling your answers, 69 groups liked the new format, so I've decided to stay with the all-in-one newsletter, and I've arranged the news by subject matter. Highlights this week: Books: 5 New titles released, including the "Java Cookbook" News: GNOME's Miguel de Icaza on .NET Why does O'Reilly use animals on the book covers? IEE Call for Papers: Open Source Software Engineering 15 tips for the Linux LPI Certification exams ***************************** NEWS from O'Reilly & Beyond ***************************** I would be grateful if you would pass on the info that your members will find interesting... GENERAL INTEREST: GNOME's Miguel de Icaza on .NET: In a conversation with O'Reilly Network publisher Dale Dougherty, GNOME founder Miguel de Icaza discusses the advantages of the .NET development environment and why the open source community should join him in developing Mono--a free implementation of .NET. Miguel will speak about these topics at O'Reilly Open Source Convention, this month. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/07/09/icaza.html Microsoft attacks open source By Charles Babcock, Interactive Week article quotes Tim O'Reilly http://dailynews.yahoo.com/htx/zd/20010702/tc/ms_attacks_open_source_1.html Ever wonder why O'Reilly has chosen animals to grace our book covers? Find out at: http://www.oreilly.com/news/lejeune_0400.html or http://www.oreilly.com/news/ediemals_0400.html WINDOWS: An interview with Jesse Liberty: Author of "Programming C#": We asked Jesse how C# compares with other object-oriented programming languages and how C# fits into the .NET Framework. To learn more, don't miss O'Reilly's upcoming release, Programming C#. http://dotnet.oreilly.com/news/jesse_0701.html OPEN SOURCE: IEE Call for Papers: Open Source Software Engineering The Institution of Electrical Engineers is soliciting papers representing original, completed research on open source software engineering, especially papers providing a rigorous analysis of open source methods and tools. http://opensource.ucc.ie/iee-cfp.htm If you're planning on taking the Linux LPI Certification Level 1 exams, here are 15 tips from O'Reilly's author of "LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell": http://linux.oreilly.com/news/lpilinux_0601.html APPLE/MAC: O'Reilly Network's managing editor, Derek Story talks disc burning with Sony's Digital Relay: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2001/06/27/sony_digital_relay.html JAVA: O'Reilly author, Jason Hunter takes an in-depth look at the new 2.3 servlet filter model in this JavaWorld article: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2001/jw-0622-filters.html ************************************************* BOOKS hot off the press--REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE ************************************************* Please email me to request review copies. Click on either link for book details--the press announcement is the top link--feel free to use the release as you see fit. For UPCOMING titles, go to: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/new.html Java Cookbook http://press.oreilly.com/javacook.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javacook/ Web Caching http://press.oreilly.com/webcaching.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webcaching/ Linux Device Drivers http://press.oreilly.com/linuxdrive2.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linuxdrive2/ Programming Web Services with XML-RPC http://press.oreilly.com/progxmlrpc.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/progxmlrpc/ ADO: ActiveX Data Objects http://press.oreilly.com/ado.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javacook/ NEW titles (not listed above): http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/new.html Keep an eye out for "Dreamweaver 4: The Missing Manual" next week Reminder: Your members are entitled to 20% discount on all books purchased direct from O'Reilly. Ask me for discount code info. ****************************** ANNOUNCEMENTS from your peers ****************************** NEW YORK CITY: The New York Enterprise Windows User Group focuses on the use of Windows servers, workstations, and related products in the Enterprise. We meet one evening a month in New York City. If you have any questions, or to be put on the mailing list, please contact Bill Zack at wzack@compuserve.com. HUNTSVILLE, TENNESSEE: The Huntsville New Technology [NT] Users Group [HuNT UG .org] will meet at Intergraph Corp. Building 15 Auditorium, on July 16, 6-8 pm. At this month's meeting, Executive Software will discuss Windows 2000 and Windows NT4 Performance relating to Disk Fragmentation. Plan to attend for a great technical presentation on how bring your Gigahertz processor back to Gigahertz speed. Executive Software will tell us all about the NTFS file system in Windows 2000 if you ask the questions. HUNTUG is a non-profit, no-dues group. For directions check out our Map at www.huntug.org/map ************************* UPCOMING O'Reilly events ************************* Enter your group to win a pass to the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services Conference. Email me for further details, if you didn't receive my email notice. Deadline for entries is July 31st, 2001. The winner will be annouced August 1st. Congratulations to Classic Hackers UGA Linux Users Group of Georgia for winning the raffle for the single pass to the O'Reilly Open Source Convention this July. JULY: O'Reilly Open Source Convention July 23-27, 2001 Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, CA http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ Don't miss author Hans Bergsten's (JavaServer Pages) presentation at the Georgia Web Developers Conference, July 25th. http://www.tagonline.org/gwdc/ AUGUST: Visit the O'Reilly booth at LinuxWorld August 28-30 Moscone Center, Booth #1747 San Francisco, CA SEPTEMBER: O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services Conference September 18-21, 2001 Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Early Bird Registration ends August 17th http://conferences.oreilly.com/p2p/ UG Discount information for conferences: O'Reilly offers 20% discount to UG members on all conference and tutorial fees. Use the DSUG discount code. If registering online, enter the code where it says "If you received a discount code, enter it here." Register before the "Early Bird" discounts end, and you'll save 20% on already discounted "Early Bird" prices. For more O'Reilly event information, go to: http://events.oreilly.com/ ************** MISCELLANEOUS ************** I'm looking for Oracle UGs and Bioinformatics UGs this month. If you know of any, please tell them about the O'Reilly UG Program: http://ug.oreilly.com/ If your UG has an announcement that you'd like my help communicating to other groups, let me know. I'm happy to include the info in an upcoming newsletter. Does your UG have a newsletter? If so, please add me to your mailing list if you haven't already done so: Denise Olliffe c/o O'Reilly & Associates 101 Morris Street Sebastopol, CA 95472 deniseo@oreilly.com Until next week, Denise -------------------------------------------------------