---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter #5 from O'Reilly UG Program Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 15:42:12 -0700 (PDT) From: "Denise Olliffe" To: farli@qwest.net O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER Volume 1, #5 HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK... Books: - Incident Response - Java Server Pages Pocket Reference News: - In Memory of Frank Willison - Win $500 worth of books (see "Contest") - Tim O'Reilly Definition of Freedom Zero - Amazing Media Player brings PDA Video to life and much more... **************************** NEWS from O'Reilly & Beyond **************************** I would be grateful if you would alert your group to the news they'd find valuable. IN MEMORIUM: ------------ O'Reilly's beloved editor-in-chief, Frank Willison, died Monday, July 30th. Over the years, you may have read his witty oreilly.com column, Frankly Speaking. Tim O'Reilly shares his thoughts on Frank and the impact he had on the lives of many. Tim also shares some of Frank's famous wit, wisdom, humor, and humanity enjoyed by O'Reilly: http://www.oreilly.com/news/frank_0701.html If you'd like to share your thoughts on Frank's memorial page, please go to: http://labs.oreilly.com/cgi-bin/frankS APPLE/MAC: ---------- Want to know more about PDA video? Amazing Media Player brings PDA Video to life http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2001/07/31/qt_authoring.html JAVA: ----- If you're into Enterprise Java and haven't seen ONJava.com, you should: http://www.onjava.com/. Check out the Java coverage from the O'Reilly Open Source Convention while you're there. MICROSOFT/.NET: --------------- Read about the new version of VB that runs on the .NET framework at the O'Reilly Network .NET Devcenter: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/07/30/vb7.html OPEN SOURCE: ------------ Security Alerts provides an overview of recent Unix and open source security advisories, with new articles regularly. This week's article by Noel Davis, covers Linux kernel Bugs: http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2001/07/30/insecurities.html Tim O'Reilly Definition of Freedom Zero Looking back on last week's Shared Source versus Open Source debate, Tim considers the most fundamental freedom underlying the work of free software advocates and proprietary developers alike: the freedom to offer your work to the world on the terms you choose, and for the recipients to accept or reject those terms. Open Source Wireless OS Underway--read this article from osopinion.com: http://www.osOpinion.com/perl/story/12398.html The O'Reilly Open Source Convention, which ended last Friday, became yet another successful conference for both O'Reilly and attendees. To view coverage of the convention week, go to: http://www.oreillynet.com/oscon2001/ PEER-TO-PEER: ------------- P2P Proliferates... The Napster bubble has burst, but interest in P2P lives on. O'Reilly Research presents the who, what, when and why of P2P in its research report, "2001 P2P Industry Overview." This comprehensive report provides in-depth explanations of underlying technologies, explains what P2P is (and is not), evaluates the state of the industry today and where we think the technology is going. An Executive summary will be available to the press at the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services Conference in Washington D.C., this September. For more information, and to order the "2001 P2P Industry Overview: An O'Reilly Research Report" go to: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/p2presearch/ WIRELESS: --------- Open Source Wireless OS Underway--read this article from osopinion.com: http://www.osOpinion.com/perl/story/12398.html ************************************************* BOOKS hot off the press--REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE ************************************************* Please email me to request review copies. Press announcement available for your use, please ask for a copy. For more NEW and UPCOMING titles, go to: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/new.html Java Server Pages Pocket Reference http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javaserverpr/ No press release available Incident Response http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/incidentres/ Sample Chapter 7, Tools of the Trade: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/incidentres/chapter/ch07.html Visit our Beta Chapters site for a preview of upcoming books: http://www.oreilly.com/beta/ ******** CONTEST ******** Help O'Reilly Network understand more about your technology interests and your work, and you'll be entered in a contest to win $500 worth of O'Reilly books! Plus you'll get 40% off on your next order of O'Reilly books. Just go to: http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/conf/register?xsource=onlamp&id=22 and complete a brief survey. And while you're visiting ONLamp.com, check out interesting articles like "Introduction to IPv6": The Internet is running out of IP Addresses and some people say NAT (Network Address Translation) is the answer. But is IPv6 a better approach? And how is it different from what you're using now? (http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/onlamp/2001/05/24/ipv6_tutorial.html) ****************************** UPCOMING EVENTS from O'Reilly ****************************** O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Service Conference September 18-21 Washington, D.C. http://conferences.oreilly.com/p2p/ TELL YOUR MEMBERS: EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS AUGUST 17TH Contact Denise for further UG discount information Keynote News... More keynotes have been added to the program. For details on the latest additions, including descriptions of presentations from representatives Rick Boucher, Simon Phipps, and Michael Connor, go to: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/p2pweb2001/pub/w/16/keynotes.html By the way... CONGRATULATIONS to the New York Windows NT User Group for winning the single pass to the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Service Conference. Next week, look for Rael Dornfest's tips on what to expect at the conference. Also, I'll be profiling speakers each week for more insight into the tutorials. ***************** SPECIAL REMINDER ***************** Email is not always the best way to receive a quick response from me, as I receive hundreds of email per week. If you have an upcoming meeting, and you'd like to request donations, please be sure to call me as well as email the request. This way, I'm sure to help you in a timely matter. 800-998-9938 ext 339 or 707-829-0515 ext 339 I'm in the office Monday - Thursday. Also, I may not always respond to your request for review copies with a follow-up email. If you don't receive your request within a month, please call and let me know. BTW: I'm more than happy to include a public annoucement for your group in an upcoming newsletter, just let me know. Until next week, Denise -------------------------------------------------------