\_ SMTP quoth Wayne Conrad on 8/9/2001 06:16 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ On Wed, 08 August 2001, "David P. Schwartz" wrote: \_ > Does this indicate anything about my machine, or it is just a reflection of \_ > the pervasiveness of this worm? \_ \_ CRv1 & CRV2 I've seen this month: \_ 01 23 \_ 02 30 \_ 03 34 \_ 04 21 \_ 05 11 \_ 06 7 \_ 07 8 \_ 08 2 \_ \_ CRII I've seen this month: \_ 01 0 \_ 02 0 \_ 03 0 \_ 04 205 \_ 05 279 \_ 06 290 \_ 07 345 \_ 08 330 \_ \_ I'm on 64.81.x.x On @home, my firewall has burned about 2k port 80 requests for the last few days, a 404 handler has coughed on about 20/day that the firewall let through (ie: the widescan mode of code red). On a related topic, when you know someone how knows his [solaris] box is likely compromised and has the skills to fix it but doesn't, what's the appropriate punishment for said individual? Flogging? Visit to a bitey ant hill with some honey? Bury to the neck and stampede some horses past? David