Hi John, Working in reverse order . . . I dealt with Atlantis Partners for about a week. I then posed a question similar to your on AZIPA. Of the 11 responses I received, 10 were negative, 1 was positive. I figure they saw my posting, because I haven't heard from them since. With a 9% satisfaction rating, I'm not too worried about them not calling me anymore. I have a hidden web site that one might call the "AMEX Refugees" - contractors that have discovered the downside to contracting. One year ago, our group had 75 employees and 140 contractors. Now we have 68 employees, and 23 contractors. That is an 85% attrition rate - being a contractor is not something I would recommend to anyone right now. Keep in mind, AMEX is very people-oriented - they will not lay off their employees until the last contractor is gone. (If you are still interested) I work for Thor, Inc, and they are highly regarded by the other contractors I work with. Tracey (Branch Manager) treats us well, she feeds us at least once per month, and brings us edible presents on the holidays. You can call her at 602-230-1035, but let me tell you, the contracting market is very tight right now. Don't worry - I don't get a referral fee if you call. I am well suited for contracting in that my family's medical is provided for life by the Government, and I have a small retirement income, so I will not starve. If your finances can let you survive without an income for a few weeks, give it a shot. George John Starta wrote: > > Does anybody have experience (good or bad) with any of the contracting > companies in town? I'm looking for information from the perspective of the > contractor (worker bee). I'm currently looking for a contract and have > spoken to couple companies so far (Metro Information Services, Atlantis > Partners, etc.) but haven't really gotten a warm fuzzy. > > Anyone have any thoughts on the subject? > > jas > > ________________________________________________ > See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us > http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss