--0-201173096-998495540=:11565 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline I have been messing with this off and on for the last few weeks and i cant get it to work. Situation: Trying to install redhat 7.1 on a system running this hardware: Tyan Tomcat III MB, P166, 32 megs of ram(simms), older 6 gig harddrive as the primary master, newer 30 gig harddrive as the primary slave. Cd burner in the secondary master position. I have my swap and boot partitions and a /usr partition on the 6 gig while the / partition is on my 30 gig. Symptoms: Installation runs smoothly, but on bootup it stops and hangs right after it lists the message about "press i to begin interactive startup" What i have tried in the past: I tried just installing linux on my 30 gig hard drive without the 6 gigger and it failed at lilo even tho the installation went fine. I know that my hard drive works fine as it was running on a newer system with a newer MB just fine. I think that it could be my bios being out of date or something but it detects the size as being 30 gig when i do the auto detect IDE. Do i need to do a bios upgrade for the tomcat III? How do that from linux or do i need to install winblows just to do the update and then go back to linux? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, --Kyle __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger http://phonecard.yahoo.com/ --0-201173096-998495540=:11565--