Kevin Brown wrote: > > I caught this link on Slashdot the other day and (not to start a flame war) was > wondering what people thought of ext3fs for large drives. > > > > The reason I'm asking is that my company is looking to get a new server with 4 > 73GB Ultra3 SCSI drives. This will be a replacement/add-on server in the server > room running Linux as a database/web machine. We have a Quad PII450 Xeon > running RH6.2 and it can take quite a long time to fsck the 60GB of current > space that it has when it boots up from something bad (Can't recall this ever > happening while I've been there). > ________________________________________________ This was written yesterday on the seawolf list (redhat 7.1) > Well, since installing the 2nd beta last night, my system has seemed to run > pretty good with exception of it being a little slow. The release-notes > still have vmware testing for the kernel in it, is that still going on? > > Also, just few minutes ago while it's actually still storming outside, my > electricity went out for a split second. Both my Linux computers shut off > and restarted, my WinXP RC2 machine stayed on, hrmm. > > Anyway, I only have one monitor so I watched the Roswell machine boot up and > saw how it recovered whatever it needed to and what not with the journaled > filesystem and booted right on up with out errors as far as I could see. > > On the other hand, as soon as that one was already into KDE and done, I > switched monitors over to Seawolf and it had barely finished doing it's > checking against ext2 and then booted on up. > > In other words, ext3 recovered and booted up the system about 1-2 minutes > before Seawolf did, and ext3 is on a tad slower computer, heh.