If you clean up the language just a bit, this should probably be sent to the ACC (Arizona Corporation Commission). I sent email to them when Qwest decided to try and change my dialup service to MSN. If the ACC gets enough complaints, they may look into the issues that Qwest is creating for itself. Not to mention that the more complaints the ACC has on file, the more skeptical they are when Qwest asks for a rate increase or tries to tell the ACC that they have cleaned up their act. On Monday 27 August 2001 12:26, you wrote: > Yes, the telemarketers who sell DSL for Qwest will actually blatantly > LIE to you. > > I can only assume they are on commission. Extreme commission. Either > that or I got absurdly unlucky. > > What I was told: > * Free el cheapo DSL modem than may or may not work with Linux. I > requested it anyways. > * 3 Microfilters for telephones. > * One free month. > * Static IP. > > What actually came: > Nothing but a paper with a login... and it also said > IP: (Dynamically assigned.) > > Cheap jerks didnt even send the microfilters! > > I tried to contact Qwest twice, and was told both times that I could > not change the order because I wasnt the phone line billee. Cant even > discuss it with me. Strange considering I placed it. Finally, the bill > came. Roommate asked me to call them again, and they stonewalled me > again. > > I asked that the order be cancelled entirely, since I was the one who > placed it, and that "isnt allowed", correct? She said someone messed > up if I placed the order, and not my roommate. But still refused to > reverse the charges. > > I asked to speak with a supervision, and instead the bitch put me on > hold for ten minutes, then told me that a supervision wouldnt speak > with me because I wasnt the account holder. > > That is one of the more obvious lies I've heard. Management reacts. If > she'd actually spoken with her supervisior, her supervisior would have > gotten on the line and told me "no" herself. > > In any case, Qwest has fucked themselves by sticking to this policy. I > have instructed my roommate to simply call them up and tell them that > he didnt place the order, and he wants the charges refunded. And since > the DSL has never been used, and since he truly, honestly didnt place > the order, he wont have to pay a damned thing. > > May Qwest telemarketers burn in hell.