\_ SMTP quoth Craig White on 8/27/2001 12:58 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ "David A. Sinck" wrote: \_ > \_ > \_ SMTP quoth Craig White on 8/26/2001 23:02 as having spake thusly: \_ > \_ \_ > \_ and btw - no fair bragging about your young eyes, 1600 x 1200 on a 19" \_ > \_ monitor is too small for the 45+ crowd. What can I say, I come from the \_ > \_ land where 72 dpi is the screen resolution - not 96 dpi. \_ > \_ > Heh. Some have refered to my screen as ergonomically dangerous. :-) \_ > \_ > David \_ > ________________________________________________ \_ Actually, it was probably a reference to you. \_ \_ Unusual is obviously part of your charm. Oh yeah. I've got so much charm that I had to beat the ladies back with a stick. They'd throw themselves at my feet so I could walk on their backs to get to my car without sullying my shoes by touching the ground. Now back to reality. Riiight. 'charm'. All the way, yup that's me. Oh wait, I had the charm reversed so it was a repellant. Fooey, no wonder. :-) David