John, Excellent idea! One thing I'm thinking is that free software could be deployed with no help from the public for the $172 million a year cost. I know you want to transfer these funds to other programs that is why the volunteers. Several years ago I read an article that Sun was going to make Star office an Internet application. If this is their goal maybe they would do the job for less. Much less. maybe even free! This same article said that Sun wanted to position Star Office to steal market from M$. M$ Office is a real cash cow for M$ according to that article. Maybe you could contact Sun and get some help there? *_Another resource is_* Harry McGregor, CEO, Co-Founder, (520) 661-7875 (CELL) Open Source Education Foundation, Harry and several people have established Linux in one of the schools in Tucson. This is an example of what can be done right here is our own back yard. Keith /--------------------------------------- | Keith Smith | Christian Information Exchange | (520) 298-2227 | P.O.Box 32158 | Tucson, AZ 85751 | | \---------------------------------------