Living in America every employee knows, if you do something illegal for your company, and get caught, the government will drag you kicking and screaming. And while your employer *might* post your bail so you can see your family one last time, they would *NEVER* do anything that might point the blame at themselves.. This is the american way. I read this article on the reg and was speachless.. There is just something wrong with this country. Where is the US headed? if you want the whole article, but for those who are lazy like myself and don't want to click the link, just want to know what I'm talking about... here goes. -------------- cut from the reg ElcomSoft President Alexander Katalov -- voluntarily, proudly, manfully -- stood beside Sklyarov in the dock (so to speak) and answered charges on behalf of his company. The symbolism was rare and delightful. Sklyarov is not going to face prosecution by an alien state, for performing a perfectly legal service in his home country, alone and unaided. We'd like to see an American or European corporate president exhibit a fraction of Katalov's cojones in the face of whingeing shareholders and scolding underwriters. --------------------- end snip Absolutely awesome. It's hard to get my boss to give me permission to get a cup of water. Imagine this. -- "Ah, lives there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, as he hunched and rolled in his comfortable bed: To hell with rent...I'll drink instead!"