Also check to be sure: * BIOS set to 3.5" 1.44MB floppy (which I presume you're using) * turn off "type 3 floppy" (an odd variation used only in Japan) if present in BIOS * turn off "switch Drive A, B" (or similar language) if present (this would make drive A work as drive B and vice versa) * make sure the floppy is in the end of the cable after the twist (due to IBM's 1981 decision to include only a 62 Watt power supply which couldn't support both floppy drive motors being on at once, and the clone makers who have slavishly followed that brain-damaged design down to the present day) You said IDE cable -- do you have an LS-120 floppy? That requires a whole different setup and a compliant BIOS. \\/ http:/