This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------DC3D8BF1E9D8B5EB63440C25 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Simple Perl Encryption Utility Useful for Off-Site Backups... Sorry if this isn't appropriate for the list, but quite a few network administrators and general users I've known have lost data because lacking an easy to use encryption utility, they were fearful of storing their data off-site. This is a very small, simple, easy to use & modify perl utility that I've written & used for the past 10 months. It's command line driven, which lends itself to batch processing. I've used it & installed the necessary modules under RedHat Linux v6.1 on intel, and SuSE Linux v7.1 on the power pc chip with little effort. Since the utility is simply written, it can be easily modified to suit anyone's needs with little effort, and after installing the required modules, you'll have all the tools necessary to explore additional uses for encryption. Basic Directions: Download & install the following modules from Digest-MD5-2.13.tar.gz Crypt-IDEA-1.01.tar.gz Crypt-Blowfish-2.06.tar.gz Crypt-CBC-1.25.tar.gz Help Screen Output: This simple encryption program cascades both Blowfish & Idea algorithms using Digest-MD5, Crypt::CBC, Crypt::Blowfish, and Crypt::IDEA modules available on, which need to be installed for the program to work. If you're using Perl 5.6.0 or above, you may need to compile the Crypt modules in old-style compatibility mode if Perl complains about symbols being defined only once. perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1 (case matters). switches: -what e=encrypt, d=decrypt (required) -file file to be encrypted or decrypted (required) -key1 phrase for the Blowfish cipher (under 55 characters, no spaces) -key2 phrase for the Idea cipher (under 55 characters, no spaces) Encryption Example: encrypt -what=e -file=/root/filename -key1='truth¬else4u' -key2='sockit2me' [creates filename.encrypted, and doesn't touch the original file.] Decryption Example: encrypt -what=d -file=/root/filename -key1='truth¬else4u' -key2='sockit2me' [creates filename.decrypted, and doesn't touch the original file.] IMPORTANT Notes: The program has 2 hard coded phrases that you should change if you decide not to enter values for either -key1 or -key2. Search for $B1 & $IDEA in the source code, and replace them with your own phrase. --------------DC3D8BF1E9D8B5EB63440C25 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="encrypt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="encrypt" #! /usr/bin/perl -w use Crypt::CBC; use Crypt::Blowfish; use Crypt::IDEA; use Getopt::Long; my($KEYIN,$KEYIN2,$DOWHAT,$SOURCEFILE,$SOURCE_IN,$DESTINATIONFILE,$cipher,$B1,$IDEA,$SOURCE,$DESTINATION,$HELP); GetOptions("what=s" => \$DOWHAT,"file=s" => \$SOURCE_IN,"key1:s" => \$KEYIN,"key2:s" => \$KEYIN2,"help:s" => \$HELP); if (defined $HELP) { print "This simple encryption program cascades both Blowfish & Idea algorithms using Digest-MD5, Crypt::CBC, Crypt::Blowfish, and Crypt::IDEA modules available on, which need to be installed for the program to work. If you're using Perl 5.6.0 or above, you may need to compile the Crypt modules in old-style compatibility mode if Perl complains about symbols being defined only once. perl Makefile.PL POLLUTE=1 (case matters). switches: -what e=encrypt, d=decrypt (required) -file file to be encrypted or decrypted (required) -key1 phrase for the Blowfish cipher (under 55 characters, no spaces) -key2 phrase for the Idea cipher (under 55 characters, no spaces) Encryption Example: encrypt -what=e -file=/root/filename -key1='truth¬else4u' -key2='sockit2me' [creates filename.encrypted, and doesn't touch the original file.] Decryption Example: encrypt -what=d -file=/root/filename -key1='truth¬else4u' -key2='sockit2me' [creates filename.decrypted, and doesn't touch the original file.] IMPORTANT Notes: The program has 2 hard coded phrases that you should change if you decide not to enter values for either -key1 or -key2. Search for \$B1 & \$IDEA in the source code, and replace them with your own phrase.\n"; }else{ $B1="Wq5G&(HgFDx5Rdfwwq26&)*6289fo?dbaz99*&TBnKhsTd;LjOwq21"; $IDEA="PyaSDw&8(nh*7HeLP0RdSW4p;(#ibhJBULL6JH)ju&*MiI8ZDlwngt"; if (defined $KEYIN) {$B1="$KEYIN";} if (defined $KEYIN2) {$IDEA="$KEYIN2";} if ($DOWHAT eq "e") { #ENCRYPT FILE WITH BLOWFISH $SOURCEFILE="$SOURCE_IN"; $DESTINATIONFILE="$"; $cipher = new Crypt::CBC("$B1",'Crypt::Blowfish'); $cipher->start('encrypting'); open (SOURCE, "$SOURCEFILE") || die "can't open $SOURCEFILE $!"; open (DESTINATION, ">$DESTINATIONFILE") || die "can't open $DESTINATIONFILE $!"; while (read(SOURCE,$buffer,1024)) { print DESTINATION $cipher->crypt($buffer); } print DESTINATION $cipher->finish; close (SOURCE) || die "can't close $SOURCEFILE: $!"; close (DESTINATION) || die "can't close $DESTINATIONFILE : $!"; #ENCRYPT FILE WITH IDEA $SOURCEFILE="$"; $DESTINATIONFILE="$SOURCE_IN.encrypted"; $cipher = new Crypt::CBC("$IDEA",'Crypt::IDEA'); $cipher->start('encrypting'); open (SOURCE, "$SOURCEFILE") || die "can't open $SOURCEFILE $!"; open (DESTINATION, ">$DESTINATIONFILE") || die "can't open $DESTINATIONFILE $!"; while (read(SOURCE,$buffer,512)) { print DESTINATION $cipher->crypt($buffer); } print DESTINATION $cipher->finish; close (SOURCE) || die "can't close $SOURCEFILE: $!"; close (DESTINATION) || die "can't close $DESTINATIONFILE : $!"; system("rm -f $"); } elsif ($DOWHAT eq "d") { #DECRYPT FILE WITH IDEA $SOURCEFILE="$SOURCE_IN"; $DESTINATIONFILE="$"; $cipher = new Crypt::CBC("$IDEA",'Crypt::IDEA'); $cipher->start('decrypting'); open (SOURCE, "$SOURCEFILE") || die "can't open $SOURCEFILE $!"; open (DESTINATION, ">$DESTINATIONFILE") || die "can't open $DESTINATIONFILE $!"; while (read(SOURCE,$buffer,1024)) { print DESTINATION $cipher->crypt($buffer); } print DESTINATION $cipher->finish; close (SOURCE) || die "can't close $SOURCEFILE: $!"; close (DESTINATION) || die "can't close $DESTINATIONFILE : $!"; #DECRYPT FILE WITH BLOWFISH $SOURCEFILE="$"; $DESTINATIONFILE="$SOURCE_IN.decrypted"; $cipher = new Crypt::CBC("$B1",'Crypt::Blowfish'); $cipher->start('decrypting'); open (SOURCE, "$SOURCEFILE") || die "can't open $SOURCEFILE $!"; open (DESTINATION, ">$DESTINATIONFILE") || die "can't open $DESTINATIONFILE $!"; while (read(SOURCE,$buffer,1024)) { print DESTINATION $cipher->crypt($buffer); } print DESTINATION $cipher->finish; close (SOURCE) || die "can't close $SOURCEFILE: $!"; close (DESTINATION) || die "can't close $DESTINATIONFILE : $!"; system("rm -f $"); } } --------------DC3D8BF1E9D8B5EB63440C25--