Dear Pluggers, I lived through the structuring and subsequent fracturing and demise of Hawaii's Linux User Group (LUAU). It started off much like our Westside meetings in size and content, and as it grew to 35+ active participants, and 180+ listserv members, the notion of structure was presented. In the interest of presenting a formal image to the public, so we could spread the word about Linux with credibility, we agreed to have a president, vice president/public relations, treasurer (planning for the future), and secretary (meeting minutes and webmaster). This was done at the objection of the "charter members" of LUAU, who subsequently left the meetings, and stopped being an active part of the list. All went well for one year, until the positions came up for renewal. The vice president made a bid for president and won, and wanted to take the group in a direction that the group did not want to go. After much infighting, name calling, deceit, and worse, the group broke up and lost all credibility. The charter members had their group, the newbies went with the president, a new group was formed by a close friend of mine, and everyone else went elsewhere. This took about three months. Linux is open because the people involved are free thinkers, and generally do not like unnecessary structure (do not confuse with anti-structure). If we liked being restricted in choices, we would be happy in a point and click environment where someone else gives us our choices. Trying to impose structure on us is a very tricky endeavor, and one that needs considerable forethought. I personally oppose such actions as requiring members to perform some action (use GPG to sign something) to be a member. Our common bond is a love of Linux, and the power of Linux, not our ability to use crypto keys. If I should choose to not use crypto, that is my choice. My membership is with Phoenix Linux Users Group, not Phoenix GPG Users Group. I've gone through a user group change that was thought to be for the best that turned out catastrophic. I would hate to see the same thing happen here. George