Hi Robert, I'm running the same and i think the easiest way is to start the install process again and choose "upgrade system" instead of "fresh install". Then check the packages of your preference for gui, I've been a KDE user but recently switched to Xfce running gnome apps which freed up about 5 megs of ram. I think the recommended minimum ram requirement is 64M. Also just keep testing your Xfree setup during the upgrade process untill you're happy with the results - you may have to enter into expert dialog boxes if your video card isn't probed and recognised properly and make sure you're using the proper video driver for best results. And finally i would suggest installing Sax in case you don't get your Xfree sorted out and install yast2 for features like on-line updates and other tools. BTW, yast2 can be run without X. HTH, Armand