okay i am in yast and i selected manage packages. I choose load configuration. It starts up and gives these messages... Reading description files... Base system: SuSE-Linux-Personal-INT-i386 7.2.0-0 Source media: SuSE-Linux-Personal-INT-i386 7.2.0-0 1460 packages on installed medium... Analayzing dependencies of packages... Looking for allready installed packages...<------- And right here it starts writing over the little picture they have for yast with error messages that read... /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libc.so.6: undefined symbol: (a little colored in box the size of a leter), version GLIBC_2.1 and then down at the bottom of the screen it writes over the very bottom of the program this... Program Aborted! Error: open output file, detail: 0 File: SystemCmd.cc LINE: 553 and then i have a normal prompt like nothing happened except i can still see the program like its running but its not...and when i type in more and more stuff it just scrolls off the screen...This sounds like a big problem if anyone can help i would appreciate it alot.