\_ SMTP quoth Craig White on 10/4/2001 21:40 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ "David A. Sinck" wrote: \_ > \_ > \_ 1. Boot from hard drive \_ > \_ > What does it do when it tries to boot, besides 'not'? \_ ---- \_ message similar to Unable to Find bootable OS In the early days of RAID, there was a HOWTO on booting from a raided root partition...perhaps you need that? \_ I don't think it reports them as same id since RHL 7.1 sees both drives. \_ I thought about it and said what the hey, I can create the raid arrays \_ now at configuration - and break them later if I get the hardware raid \_ working - it was a late decision but I am sticking with it as the best \_ one I could make under the circumstances. Doubt that card is afu - doubt \_ that RedHat could properly diagnoze the hardware. I'd be interested to see if the latest SCSI drivers (eg: > rh 7.1 default) pick the card better.... David