"der.hans" wrote: > anybody got some good examples of failed prop protocols? > > Examples: > DECnet Hey now. DEC probably failed for trying to adopt OPEN standards (OSI). Their proprietary stuff was quite successful in it's day. In fact, there are still plenty of occasions where I have to accomodate LAT for one reason or another. If you're going to write off DECnet that way, you have to include SNA (IBM) and IPX (Novell), although they too were quite successful at one time. Don't forget that Novell and AT&T proposed an "internet alternative" (name forgotten) that would supercede the Internet. > the 56k modem standards prior to standardization > html "standards" that issued from companies/browsers rather than the W3C Sony's 3 inch diskette standard LS-120 zip disk alternative based on IDE interface (possible argument here) MCA IBM's Microchannel I dunno, maybe you're after more protocol-oriented. I guess you COULD include OSI if you want, at least up to layer 4. - Bob