Am 25. Oct, 2001 schwätzte Matt Alexander so: > blocks non-Microsoft browsers: > > Article says they do allow some versions of netscape in. They aren't the only site to have this prob. I do have javascript enabled. They're obviously keying in on konqueror being neither of the other two browsers. My credit union finally fixed their stuff, so I can use konqueror with their site. Is there anything that verifies a browser to be compliant with the standards? Maybe the W3C should offer that as a service. They should be able to get m$, AOL and opera to pay for it. How could we present it, such that Free Software projects don't have to pay? Could those who qualify under the disabilities acts sue for not being able to view the site? MSN is a service, so that tact should be able to work. Maybe use it to go after Quest for selling out to MSN :). ciao, der.hans -- # # ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source", # and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a # "Linux operating system". - rms