\_ SMTP quoth tim cutler on 10/25/2001 22:44 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Like most linux users on Cox@home, I have a static IP address. Now, \_ Cox@home has sent me email and tells me that they have "identified" my \_ computer as having a static address and not using DHCP protocol. They \_ are now insisting on my computer to adopt the DHCP protocol. \_ \_ I never managed to get DHCP protocol to work on my linux and wound up \_ using a static IP address (as was recommended here, thanks) to good effect. \_ \_ I've tried the linux netcfg GUI, selecting "DHCP" for the protocol. As \_ soon as I do that, I'm off the network. \_ \_ So, my trial and error begins again. I'm looking for any breadcrumb \_ clues to speed this unpleasant process up. I prefer NOT to use the f!@** \_ netcfg GUI (I hate that GUI; unless it works EVERY time it should always \_ tell you what files it's "fixing"). I would rather get pointed to any \_ /etc/ files that matter. \_ \_ I have RedHat 7.1. I don't get why this is so hard for linux. You need to hit the man page for dhcpcd/pump and/or scan /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (or -eth1, depending) The key is to add "DHCP_HOSTNAME=CX999999-Z" into the icfg-ethX file. I recently got this same piece of email from @home and adding the DHCP_HOSTNAME line fixed it so that it was dhcp'd properly. Then I went and read the man page on how to use non @home nameservers :-) I hope it makes them happy...my IP hasn't changed. :-) FWIW, they claimed there was "work going on in my neighborhood"; I'm curious if they spammed all of cox@home, or just the fortunate few in the Mesa area. David