Linux will win and Micro$oft will lose. So sit back and watch it happen. That's right, Linux will be on every desktop and server and you can damn me all to hell for saying so, but that is how it will be. The all American Dollar rules. What becomes a standard is determined by economics ( the cost of the product). There was a time when you could get Windows 3.1, for $30.00 and that is when Micro$oft became a standard, it was'nt because of superior technology. The genie (GPL, Linux, Open-Souce) was let out of the bottle long time ago and as time passes it will consume everything. If you ask me, it reached critical mass in 1998. The genie can not be put back into the bottle. And so the next business/technology model has already been determined. Why? Because: 1)Lower Cost ( The Linux Kernel doesn't cost anything) 2)Open-source Kernel 3)The "GPL, Linux, Open-Source Kernel" is the perfect technology foundation for Manufacturing and the masses because people, businesses, universities, governments contribute to it. 4) Linux can scale up or down 5) Linux is hardware agnostic 6) "Linux, Open-Source" can and      will morph into future tecnologies      that will benefit all. If your not using Linux and your still using MS windows, you better wake up and smell the coffee because the world has changed. ------------------------------cyclox