This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C1873D.4F770700 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C1873D.4F770700" ------_=_NextPart_001_01C1873D.4F770700 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I'm working on a project that requires apache to su to another user to execute some cgi scripts and build some files with a particular id and group. I'm using virtual hosting within Apache (port 8080) for these scripts, I compiled and included the suEXEC in this installation, the virtual host works fine with html. When I go to execute the CGI, I get "cannot get current working directory" in the suexec log when I have a User and Group attributes in the virtual host parameter. This is the strange part, when I comment out the Group attribute, I get command not in the docroot. Which it is. Any ideas?? Craig ------_=_NextPart_001_01C1873D.4F770700 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
I'm working on a project that requires apache to su to another user to execute some cgi scripts and build some files with a particular id and group.  I'm using virtual hosting within Apache (port 8080) for these scripts, I compiled and included the suEXEC in this installation, the virtual host works fine with html.  When I go to execute the CGI, I get "cannot get current working directory" in the suexec log when I have a User and Group attributes in the virtual host parameter.  This is the strange part, when I comment out the Group attribute, I get command not in the docroot.  Which it is.  Any ideas??
------_=_NextPart_001_01C1873D.4F770700-- ------_=_NextPart_000_01C1873D.4F770700 Content-Type: image/gif; name="tech.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tech.gif" Content-ID: <908145220@17122001-2380> R0lGODlhFAAUAPcAAP//////zP//mf//Zv//M///AP/M///MzP/Mmf/MZv/MM//MAP+Z//+ZzP+Z mf+ZZv+ZM/+ZAP9m//9mzP9mmf9mZv9mM/9mAP8z//8zzP8zmf8zZv8zM/8zAP8A//8AzP8Amf8A Zv8AM/8AAMz//8z/zMz/mcz/Zsz/M8z/AMzM/8zMzMzMmczMZszMM8zMAMyZ/8yZzMyZmcyZZsyZ M8yZAMxm/8xmzMxmmcxmZsxmM8xmAMwz/8wzzMwzmcwzZswzM8wzAMwA/8wAzMwAmcwAZswAM8wA AJn//5n/zJn/mZn/Zpn/M5n/AJnM/5nMzJnMmZnMZpnMM5nMAJmZ/5mZzJmZmZmZZpmZM5mZAJlm /5lmzJlmmZlmZplmM5lmAJkz/5kzzJkzmZkzZpkzM5kzAJkA/5kAzJkAmZkAZpkAM5kAAGb//2b/ zGb/mWb/Zmb/M2b/AGbM/2bMzGbMmWbMZmbMM2bMAGaZ/2aZzGaZmWaZZmaZM2aZAGZm/2ZmzGZm mWZmZmZmM2ZmAGYz/2YzzGYzmWYzZmYzM2YzAGYA/2YAzGYAmWYAZmYAM2YAADP//zP/zDP/mTP/ ZjP/MzP/ADPM/zPMzDPMmTPMZjPMMzPMADOZ/zOZzDOZmTOZZjOZMzOZADNm/zNmzDNmmTNmZjNm MzNmADMz/zMzzDMzmTMzZjMzMzMzADMA/zMAzDMAmTMAZjMAMzMAAAD//wD/zAD/mQD/ZgD/MwD/ AADM/wDMzADMmQDMZgDMMwDMAACZ/wCZzACZmQCZZgCZMwCZAABm/wBmzABmmQBmZgBmMwBmAAAz /wAzzAAzmQAzZgAzMwAzAAAA/wAAzAAAmQAAZgAAMwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAFAAUAEAIQwBJCBxI sKBBAAgTKlyYUCDDhwsdQpwoceLDihYjksh4cSNHjR9BhmzocSQAjCFRflTJkWVGlxZhUiw5UiZE gzhzBgQAOw== ------_=_NextPart_000_01C1873D.4F770700--