Digital Wokan wrote: > There is no field for entering my password, ... Huh? You go to this: You enter your e-mail address in the "Plug-discuss Subscribers" section, next to the "Edit Options" button. Click that button. You see the page, "PLUG-discuss Configuration for ". There is a text-box labeled "Password:" just to the left of the "Unsubscribe" button. Fill your password in there, and press "Unsubscribe". If this "Configuration" form does not appear with a Password box, something is munged up. I just navigated to this page using Netscape 4.7, Opera and IE5. Vic Digital Wokan wrote: > > I went to the edit options page and entered my email address for > unsubscribing. There is no field for entering my password, yet when I > click unsubscribe I get an "incorrect password" message.