You want something like: mount -t smbfs -o username=tom,password=foobar //mutt/d$ /chow To mount it al-la smbfs (a.k.a. Windows Network File System). This is, however, a tad odd in the UNIX world. (Mounting a remote UNIX drive via smbfs to a UNIX client) What you probably really want to do is add the server directory to the /etc/exports file on the server (do a "man exports" for the format) (*), then mount the file system via NFS (vice smbfs), like: mount chow:/chow /chow Mount will figure out that the file system type is NFS from the : format of the special file. Add a "-t nfs" to the mount if things are still not working, but you should not have to do this. Good Luck. Bob. (*) After modifying the /etc/exports file, you will want to restart the NFS server. In RedHat, the best way to do this is a: su - cd /etc/rc5.d ./S25netfs restart exit On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 22:19:59 -0700 "Tom Achtenberg" wrote: > I've been trying for two evenings now to figure out how to mount or connect to network drives. Here is my setup: RH 7.2 workstation kernel 2.4.9-latest > I want to connect to a RH 7.1 (e-smith) server server name chow i-bay name chow. It also has a user folder named tom. > > I also want to connect to an NT40 server named mutt with both drive c and d shared as c$ and d$ > > Whenever I try the mount command such as mount chow:/chow /chow I get "error connection refused" Whenever I try mount -t vfat mutt:/d$ /chow I get an error message "special device does not exist" With both my Win98 and Win2K machines I can map drives to both the chow and tom folders with no problem. > > If I try to access the e-smith i-bay file folder with a browser I get an error saying I am not authorized to access it yet I can access the html folder and open the default index.html page. I am logged in as root and root has the same password on both machines but the i-bay is set to be shared on the local network without a password. > > I cannot even connect to the i-bay with ftp. > > I know some of you guys are running e-smith's out there, any suggestions? > > > Tom Achtenberg > > Registered Linux User #242974 (See > Visit my home page at > > -- Robert A. Klahn AIM: rklahn Yahoo Messenger: klahn IRC: "Hope has two beautiful daughters: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to struggle to create things as they should be." - St. Augustine