--=-/fZP0tF0ibvba6wCepOx Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm running Evolution 1/02 on a KDE 2.2.2 RH 7.2 machine. How do I configure it to play a sound when new mail arrives? -- Tom Achtenberg Every day over 30,000 children die from hunger related causes Visit http://www.ybnormal.org to find out how YOU can help. Registered Linux User #242974 (See http://counter.li.org) Visit my home page at http://achtenberg.com --=-/fZP0tF0ibvba6wCepOx Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 I'm running Evolution 1/02 on a KDE 2.2.2 RH 7.2 machine.  How do I configure it to play a sound when new mail arrives?
Tom Achtenberg

Every day over 30,000 children die from hunger related causes 
Visit http://www.ybnormal.org to find out how YOU can help.

Registered Linux User #242974 (See http://counter.li.org)
Visit my home page at http://achtenberg.com