--=-LmmCDErV2d2Tb24JlP5e Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --=-LmmCDErV2d2Tb24JlP5e Content-Disposition: inline Content-Description: Forwarded message - Update: (used to be - okay how do I get my mail???) Content-Type: message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received: from hawk ([]) by lakemtao04.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-122-105-20011231) with ESMTP id <20020211232113.YOLI1289.lakemtao04.cox.net@hawk> for ; Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:21:13 -0500 Subject: Update: (used to be - okay how do I get my mail???) From: Carl Parrish To: Carl Parrish In-Reply-To: <1013273455.30105.78.camel@hawk> References: <1013236236.30104.70.camel@hawk> <3C64D54B.3C85F126@cox.net> <1013273455.30105.78.camel@hawk> Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Evolution/1.0.1 (1.0.1-2) Date: 11 Feb 2002 16:19:16 -0700 Message-Id: <1013469556.8887.18.camel@hawk> Mime-Version: 1.0 Okay its something with my system. I ended up poping it to one of my free web based email pages. No problem. But I *still* can't access it from my network. I don't know maybe something with my firewall or my connection to cox. Anyways thanks guys. I wouldn't have been able to get it if Victor didn't remind me about netmail.home.com Carl P. On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 09:50, Carl Parrish wrote: > Thanks Victor for your reply, > However so far its not working. I can ping both mail and > netmail.home.com but I get "could not connect to mail". (oh well back to > cox tech support). BTW mozilla (my *real* mail tool) has multiple > personalities . So many people asked for it that I was suprised at > the backlash we got from Netscape 4.x users who _liked_ the profile > method. Oh well can't please everyone. > > Carl P. > > But if I'm using the mail / mail servers, > > and want to unsubscribe from a mailing list, > > then I need to change my "identity" to > > vodhner@home.com when sending the unsubscribe > > message, then change it back. > > > > Good luck, > > > > Vic > > > > Carl Parrish wrote: > > > > > > Alright update for my DHCP problems with cox. I gave up on calling them > > > and sent an email telling them my problems and that I thought I may need > > > to have my MAC address reset. The next morining I got a replay where > > > they said they needed to "reprovision" me (???). Anyways after they did > > > it I was able to get an IP address. And with the exception of the > > > network just going out on me for a few mins here and there its been a > > > rather good change over. *Except* I thought I would still have access to > > > my @home address. I switched everything over on cox end but I assumed > > > that either all my @home mail would be forwarded to my new address or I > > > would still be able to pop the old account. But I can't seem to get to > > > my old mail server and its deff not being forwarded. Anyone have any > > > idea's how I can get mail sent to my old account? > > > > > > Carl P. --=-LmmCDErV2d2Tb24JlP5e--