On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 10:08, gonzalba@WellsFargo.COM wrote: > Hi List, > > First of all: I'm totally and sadly a Newbie on Linux. > > Second a couple of questions: I've been reading allot about Linux and I'm > prepared to install it on my machine at home. (I have a couple of friends > that are Linux enthusiast). Which distribution is the one that you, as a > list, use? Then again, which distribution is best suited for a Web and > Client/Server programmer? I know about Chilisoft as an ASP Server, but I > need more guidance. > First off use the distro that your friends use. After all they are going to be the first people you call when you have a problem. So you might as well use the same one they are using. That said my current favorite is RH. Just because there are *so* many RH users out there, that most Linux manuals are written from a RH viewpoint and I can always say RH to corps and they smile . Debian is *very* stable and easier to upgrade. A *lot* of people on the list prefer Mandrake for home use, because it seems to have more driver support, its generally more up to date, and it's based off of RH so you can still use those manuals I mentioned earlier. > I'm totally new to the environment. Although I had my share of C/C++ > programming at collage, I haven't use it in a while. I'm willing to bet that *most* linux users never look at C/ C++ (though most on this list probably do). > > Third, I'm currently working at Wells Fargo, and they asked me the > Brainbench certification for SQL and ASP before I started to work here. Hope > that answers the question. Thanks Carl P.