Harvey Tetmeyer was like: > I thoroughly enjoyed Bob George's presentation last night. All > enthused, I came home, downloaded the .iso files and attempted to > burn bootable disks... attempted that is! They didn't boot. Yup, that was a good one. I found a little time today to download the latest Linux BBC image and play with it :-) (If you get bored, try the "robot finds kitten" game) > I tried Nero and Easy CD Creator 5, both to no avail on a Windows Me > system. Are you using full-size CDs? None of my boxes at work seemed to like the tiny kind ("No media detected"). > Can anyone point me to a 'cookbook' on what other files I need and how > to make bootable disks... the easy way...or any way? There is a lot of > related stuff on the Internet but it seems to be mostly Windows > oriented...and a bit confusing. If the .iso image is of something bootable you shouldn't have to do anything to it but burn it. I recall once early on I ended up with a CD with the iso image on it as a file - that didn't work, of course. I _think_ I've got Easy CD Creator at work; I kill the "wizard" interface, then select 'F'ile (first one the menu bar anyway), then New Job, and "Global Image or other Image". Browse to where your iso is and change the filetype it's looking for to include "iso". My Windows-based software defaults to ".gi" for Global Image. Select your image, click the red button and wait awhile :-) > I thought I could get my feet wet this way and feel more comfortable > about installing Mandrake in a few days. > > Steve, thanks for a good meeting. Thanks for coming Harv :-) And thanks again, Bob; great presentation!