moin, moin, looks like we might've won :). The last mostly just leads to the first two links :). Has anybody seen a reference to the Pentagon switching 25k PCs over to Open Source as quoted by one of the German representatives responsible for deciding what software the Bundestag should be using to replace NT?,1251,COMP-0-178460,00.html ( 3rd "Zitat" on the left ) »Ich habe gerade vor ein paar Tagen gehört, dass das Pentagon 25.000 PC auf Open Source umgestellt hat. Das ist natürlich ein hohes Vertrauen, was vom Pentagon in die Open-Source-Entwicklung investiert wird.« »I just heard a couple of days ago, that the Pentagon has switched 25,000 PCs to Open Source. That is a lot of trust that the Pentagon is investing in Open Source Developement.« ( my translation of the above quote ) ciao, der.hans -- # # I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans