"If you want, resolve and set ns1.coxmail.com and ns2.coxmail.com for tertiary and quadrary (sp?). They won't change, but they are not local to phoenix." Thanks for the advice, Mike. You are obviously way beyond me in the world of Linux and internet issues, because I don't know what nsl.coxmail.com and ns2.coxmail.com are, apart from the fact that they look like domains and presumably relate to both Cox and mail. Maybe you could shoot me an e-mail offline and help me understand this. My e-mail address is appealsman@home.com. I don't know if this is along similar lines, but when I initially got set up with Cox, I called tech support for clarification of some issues, and I was told that I was better off using IP addresses for my mailserver addresses rather than the domain names that come in the instructions. I use for incoming, and for my outgoing SMTP mailserver. No problems so far. -- Lee Einer http://members.cox.net/appealsman/