\_ SMTP quoth Lynn David Newton on 3/6/2002 11:56 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ \_ Esteemed Linuxers, \_ \_ What are some prevailing opinions concerning the use of \_ Sawfish as a window manager? Sawfish rocks. \_ I'm running RH Linux 7.1 with Gnome. I've used a \_ variety of window managers, most recently (for the past \_ eight months or more) Enlightenment, which has lots of \_ eye candy, but is not bad. It pretty much does what I \_ want. Maybe I should be content. E has eye candy...but not the one feature I wanted (binding mouse keys randomly). \_ However, I am led to try Sawfish because I understand \_ that it's especially tightly integrated with Gnome, and \_ as a GNU project it's programmable (or will be?). GNU doesn't have jack to do with programability. The rep language (lisp like) does. \_ I'm a \_ very-long-time emacs user and know elisp fairly well. I \_ understand that Guile or some other Lisp-like language \_ underpins Sawfish. This aspect of it is particularly \_ appealing to me. Go now and don't look back. \_ On the other hand, Sawfish is presently at version 0.36 zzzt. 1.0.1. sawfish.sourceforge.net \_ (presumably at least a little later on RH 7.2?), and at \_ first stab (I'm running it now), seems to be lacking \_ entirely some features I want and need, or at least \_ that I haven't been able to locate readily. So maybe I \_ should just wait patiently until things grow a bit. What are you looking for? Depending, you can write it yourself. \_ Anyhow, I'm happy to hear what others who have used it \_ may think. My first amusement was writing code to allow windows to be moved/resized using elliptical outlines. It was just *wrong* to place rectangular windows with a round outline. But I did it without a recompile. :-) David