David> E has eye candy...but not the one feature I David> wanted (binding mouse keys randomly). Randomly?? That should make your workday interesting. David> GNU doesn't have jack to do with David> programability. Quite correct. Mea culpa. My roots in open source go back to 1987 when I first started using GNU Emacs 18.somethingsmall, at which time I was endlessly amazed and entertained to have a colossally powerful text-whacking system at my disposal that I could program to do whatever I want. Today the world of things labeled GNU covers a vast universe of software, but sometimes my roots show through in what I say. David> The rep language (lisp like) David> does. Right. Would have been nice if it had been Guile. Yes, I am already familiar with the excuses given why it is not. (It's in the FAQ.) David> \_ On the other hand, Sawfish is presently at version 0.36 David> zzzt. 1.0.1. sawfish.sourceforge.net Good! Is it safe to install the RPM on RH 7.1, or should I get the .tgz and build it from source? David> \_ ... seems to be lacking David> \_ entirely some features I want and need, or at least David> \_ that I haven't been able to locate readily. David> What are you looking for? Depending, you can David> write it yourself. Ha! Maybe in a few months when I get the time to learn rep. For now I just want to be able to use the configuration tools that are provided so I can get up to speed and not feel crippled. My problem is undoubtedly simply one of terminology, of not knowing what's what and what's where. FWIW, one of the primary features I depend on in a window manager (or desktop manager, whatever component supplies it), is a virtual desktop with a pager, as it's called in FVWM. BTW, I used FVWM for years, without a desktop manager. I don't need multiple *desktops*, just a grid of pages within a single desktop that I can put windows in. (3x2 or 3x3 usually suffices.) (I never saw the point of having that extra layer of multiple desktops on top of multiple pages.) What I *do* have presently operating is a teeeeny-tiny virtual window map called a "Desk Guide" in my panel, with each page taking up about 1/16-inch of real estate. I need a virtual desktop navigation system on my desktop. (In Enlightenment I use keyboard commands to shuffle them 90% of the time rather than clicking on the pager map, but I haven't had Sawfish running long enough to start binding keys. It's only been up an hour.) I'm sure someone will tell me there's a way to put a pager (or whatever the magic word for that *thing* is) right on my desktop from Gnome, and that Sawfish has nothing to do with it. However, Enlightenment has a rather nice (glitzy) pager. I've also subscribed to mail lists long enough to anticipate that someone will assure me I'm a bozo for not already knowing the answer. David> My first amusement was writing code to allow David> windows to be moved/resized using elliptical David> outlines. That I'd love to see. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ