On Mar 6, 1:16pm, Lynn David Newton wrote: > What I *do* have presently operating is a teeeeny-tiny > virtual window map called a "Desk Guide" in my panel, > with each page taking up about 1/16-inch of real > estate. I need a virtual desktop navigation system on > my desktop. (In Enlightenment I use keyboard commands > to shuffle them 90% of the time rather than clicking on > the pager map, but I haven't had Sawfish running long > enough to start binding keys. It's only been up an > hour.) > > I'm sure someone will tell me there's a way to put a > pager (or whatever the magic word for that *thing* is) > right on my desktop from Gnome, and that Sawfish has > nothing to do with it. However, Enlightenment has a > rather nice (glitzy) pager. Create a floating panel. (Right click on your existing panel; choose Panel->Create panel->Floating Panel.) On this panel, add a new Desk Guide. (Again, right click, and choose Applets->Utility->Desk Guide.) When I tried it just now, a very, very small desk guide showed up in the floating panel. To fix that, right click on the desk guide -- it's so small, you have to guess that it's there -- and choose "Properties". A window entitled "Desk Guide Settings" should come up. Click on the "Geometry" tab and uncheck "Override desktop height with panel size". Also uncheck "Override desktop width with panel size". Then, adjust the desktop height and width to be whatever you want them to be. When I tried it, the applet apparently tries to maintain a certain aspect ratio, so it's likely that only one of these numbers will be in effect at any given time. I.e, if you don't see your desk guide getting bigger when you increase one number, try increasing the other. You may also want to click on the "Display" tab and play with the settings there too. (In particular, I'm thinking of "Fill window thumbnails with screen contents". This'll get you some of the glitz of the Enlightenment pager.) > I've also subscribed to mail lists long enough to > anticipate that someone will assure me I'm a bozo for > not already knowing the answer. It won't be me. You seem to have attempted to do some amount of research on this matter already. OTOH, I really dislike it when someone posts a question that could be easily answered by spending a moment or two typing a simple query into Google. Kevin