\_ SMTP quoth William Lindley on 3/11/2002 09:31 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 alandd@mindspring.com wrote: \_ > I have found GRUB much easier to configure than LILO. \_ \_ When last I tried GRUB, it seemed nearly impossible to pass extra \_ boot parameters... If you want to start your system in single-user mode \_ for maintenance, with LILO it's a simple matter of typing: \_ \_ linux single \_ \_ I couldn't see how to do this with Grub without going thru what seemed \_ like fifteen mind-boggling menus... has it changed? some, it's: pick kernel/entry with arrow keys press 'e' for edit go to err... one of the lines and add on 'single' to the end as it's own token press 'b' for boot IIRC David