Hi, all- Cox really is pitching Windows, Outlook and IE hard, I'll give you that. Personally, I find it to be pretty abrasive, but I think that if we complain to governmental agencies, we are likely to get absolutely no action, and will also increase the resistance of Cox's management to the idea of Linux. Could we pitch Cox in a positive way? Cox would certainly have more subscribers if they presented themselves as Linux-friendly-- they just have to understand this and be presented with a way to do it that is easily implemented and somewhere between cheap and free. I think the bottom line for Cox is that they don't want to have to provide technical support for a multitude of OSs and browsers- but they might be enticed into posting a Linux user newsgroup for such tech issues, with the usual disclaimers, and/or a Linux Users FAQ page(and perhaps advance notice when they plan to monkey around with their DNS servers... ?) Maybe there's a better way to go about it, but I think that presenting Cox with a way to attract users in the Linux community without increasing their expenses is probably the most likely route to success. If such a proposal was presented under the auspices of a group such as PLUG rather than by an individual, it would probably also be more likely to receive serious consideration. What do you think? -- Lee Einer http://members.cox.net/appealsman/