"der.hans" wrote: > > Am 19. Mar, 2002 schwätzte John (EBo) David so: > > > ps: my class lets out at 7:30 - 8:00pm so I assume that people will be > > around 8:30-9:00pm? If so, how long do you think you will stay? > > We're always there until at least 22:00. Tonight I intend to be there until > Bandersnatch kicks us out. thanks for the visit and the info Hans! Sorry I had to leave so early, but I was braindead tired... went home and slept all of about 2 hours to wake up to a dream where I was singing Janis Joplin impersonations in a pub somewhere in Irland (never been to Irland)... I think I'm in serious need of a vacation ;-) Thanks again for everything ;-) EBo --