\_ SMTP quoth Richard Daggett on 4/10/2002 20:26 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Howdy All \_ \_ I thought this group was to help people, not try to destroy systems? The system is *not* destroyed, just inconvenient. The rm -rf / advice commented about on the list does that. :-) By and large, you get much better response from a user community (mailing list, irc, news) if you come in saying: I've rtfm'd, tried X, Y, and Z, and cut twice and it's still too short! For those of you new to doing weird things to your linux system, if you did, somehow, take the 'change it to 0/6' advice offered *without* checking it for yourself, here are two (untested) probable solution paths: 1) boot single user (usually adding 'single' after your kernel specification) as I believe that will ignore runmode completely. Change the entry back to the way it was. 'telinit 3' to go to runlevel 3, normal user non-grahical mode. 2) boot with a recovery cd and/or boot floppy and edit said file as mentioned above. It's easy. It's not like you're adding in modules needed for proper boot during a RH install. I dunno about other folks, but I certainly check my man pages/web before I implement free advice. That would have kept anything 'bad' from happening as well. YMMV. David