"der.hans" wrote: > > Am 17. Apr, 2002 schwätzte alandd@mindspring.com so: > > > M$ is up to it's usual heavy handed tactics. > > > > Did you save your proofs of purchase for all your M$ products? You better! > > > > Another reason for migrating to open source/free software. > > > > http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=669378 > > $7500 a computer for 5 year old software? That's insane. > > They've got 11,000 PCs. It should be easy enough to change a few thousand of > those to run Linux or *BSD. I remember the jist of the story when M$ first audited them... The new license forbids them to use any other computers or OS's; effectively locking out a Linux migration. This appeared to be part of the "settlement" for not being sued. EBo --