FYI ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, April 19 Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:36:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Marsee Henon To: O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER April 19, 2002 HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK NEWS: -Tim O'Reilly Agrees with Amazon's Used Book Policy -The Law of Unintended Consequences -The Body Electronic: An Interview With IBM's Robert Morris -Build a Better Bookshelf Online-Get Your First 14 Days on Safari Free -Introducing C# And The .NET Framework, Part 1 -The Perl Review -Jython Tips for Python Programmers -O'Reilly and Macworld Team Up on Total OS X UPCOMING EVENTS: -Noel Rappin On Jython at Softpro Books-Burlington, MA CONFERENCE NEWS: -Put Up A Conference Banner Get A Free Book BOOK NEWS: -Top 25 Best-Selling Books -Mastering Oracle SQL ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS: -LUGOD-Will Be Holding A Linux Demonstration -CFUN-02 The Fourth Annual TeraTech ColdFusion Conference ================================================ NEWS FROM O'REILLY & BEYOND ================================================ Spread the word to your members.... ------------------------------- GENERAL NEWS ------------------------------- TIM O'REILLY AGREES WITH AMAZON'S USED BOOK POLICY In this letter to the Author's Guild, Tim explains why he disagrees with their campaign against Amazon's used book policy, and why he thinks used book sales help authors, publishers, and readers alike. Tim also ties the issue to larger ones of copyright, fair use, and the "intellectual commons." O'Reilly Network columnist and science fiction author Cory Doctorow also wrote a letter supporting Amazon's policy. THE LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES Hollywood's legal attacks on technology today are just as shortsighted as when it fought against the VCR in the early 1980s, because the legal battles will stifle innovation, says Cory Doctorow, who will speak at O'Reilly's upcoming Emerging Technology Conference. THE BODY ELECTRONIC: AN INTERVIEW WITH IBM'S ROBERT MORRIS IBM is promoting the concept of "autonomic computing," in which systems are self-healing, much like the human body. IBM's Robert Morris will be a keynote speaker at O'Reilly's upcoming Emerging Technology Conference. BUILD A BETTER BOOKSHELF ONLINE Get your first 14 days free when you subscribe to Safari Tech Books Online, with 600 of the best technical books available from O'Reilly and other top publishers. Select up to ten books to search, bookmark, and annotate; cut and paste code examples; find your answers fast. --------------------- ONLAMP --------------------- THE PERL REVIEW This month's issue of "The Perl Review" is all about, well, Python, including an interview with Guido van Rossum and a primer on the Python Software Foundation. For more on Perl see: and JYTHON TIPS FOR PYTHON PROGRAMMERS Noel Rappin brings you ten tips on using Jython, from how to create Java objects to how to access Java methods and fields. JYTHON ESSENTIALS Order Number: 2475 --------------------- MAC --------------------- O'REILLY AND MACWORLD TEAM UP ON TOTAL OS X The special 13th issue of "Macworld" that focuses on Mac OS X has hit the streets, and we're proud to be part of it. Read about O'Reilly's partnership with "Macworld" in Derrick Story's Total OS X Preview. --------------------- .NET --------------------- INTRODUCING C# AND THE .NET FRAMEWORK, PART 1 Read an overview of C# and find out where it improves upon Java, in this first of a three-part excerpt from O'Reilly's recently released C# in a Nutshell. C# IN A NUTSHELL Order Number: 1819 ================================================== UPCOMING EVENTS AT SOFTPRO BOOKS-BURLINGTON, MA ================================================== NOEL RAPPIN ON JYTHON Noel Rappin is coauthor of "Jython Essentials." Jython is an implementation of the Python programming language written in Java, allowing Python programs to integrate seamlessly with any Java code. The secret to Jython's popularity lies in the combination of Java's libraries and tools with Python's rapid development capabilities. Wednesday, April 24--6:30-8:00 PM Softpro Books 112 Mall Road Burlington, MA 01803-5300 For more information see: Open Invitation to SIGS and User Groups: Softpro is happy to host your group. They have space to accommodate up to 30 people in Burlington and up to 12 in Marlborough. Reserve a time by writing to ================================================ CONFERENCE NEWS ================================================ PUT UP A CONFERENCE BANNER, GET A FREE BOOK We are looking for user groups to display our conference banners on their web sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with our O'Reilly Open Source Convention banner, I will send you the O'Reilly book of your choice. O'Reilly Open Source Convention banner EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT. Register by June 10th, 2002 to take advantage of the discounted conference fees. User group discount is 20% for conferences. Use the discount code: DSUG. Register before June 10th, and receive a double discount! Your 20% will apply towards already reduced "Early Bird" pricing if you register early. ================================================ BOOK NEWS ================================================ REVIEW COPIES ARE AVAILABLE, email me for a copy. If you need your books by a certain date, please allow at least three weeks for shipping. Please send me copies of your newsletters. Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase direct from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering. Press releases are available on our press page: TOP 25 BEST-SELLING BOOKS New on our web site, our best selling books. The list changes every week. Review copies are still available. MASTERING ORACLE SQL Order Number: 1290 If you write programs to run against an Oracle database, you spend a lot of time and mental energy writing queries to return the data your programs need. Knowledge of SQL, and particularly of Oracle's implementation of SQL, is the key to writing good queries in a timely manner. In this book, the authors share their knowledge of Oracle SQL, and show you many creative techniques that you can use to your advantage in your own applications. Chapter 7, "Set Operations" is available online: ================================================ ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS ================================================ Davis, CA- LUGOD-THE LINUX USERS' GROUP OF DAVIS, WILL BE HOLDING A LINUX DEMONSTRATION: Saturday, April 27th, 2002, 3:00pm-6:00pm The demonstration will be held at: Davis Food Co-Op 620 G Street Davis, CA 95616 Members of the Linux Users' Group of Davis will demonstrate Linux, a free operating system for computers that presents an alternative to the Microsoft monopoly. Drop by and learn how you can bring the fun back into computing by joining the dynamic, worldwide community of computer enthusiasts and professionals who use Linux. Rockville MD- CFUN-02 THE FOURTH ANNUAL TERATECH COLDFUSION CONFERENCE $179 until April 30, $199 afterwards. Saturday, June 15th-Sunday, June 16th, 2002 Rockville Double-Tree Hotel (opposite Twinbrook metro) Until next week, Marsee ------------------------------------------------------- -- Jim Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - Janice Joplin