A friend asked me if I knew Dr. Villanueva's e-mail address, so I tried to look it up on Google. Interesting exercise, because there are two pronunciations used in the "Nunez" part. Here's his parliamentary home page: http://www.congreso.gob.pe/organizacion/FichaCongresista.asp?C_Persona=0329 I did a Google search for the string, Villanueva Nuñez (tilde over the "n") and got seven pages that mostly refer to his letter, along with some uninformative lists of candidates. But it turns out sometimes there is an acute accent on the "u", making his name: Villanueva Núñez as shown on the web page cited above. When I searched Google on that spelling, I got eight additional pages about this gentleman. Interesting commentary on Google's web searches. They lose punctuation between words, but the accented letters are actually different letters (they have their own place in the alphabets), and the searches are sensitive to this. Vic